
Many engineers doubt lasers’ ability to remove coatings without damaging substrates. Frankly, there’s good reason for skepticism.

The problem is this: Once the coating is removed, the substrate is exposed to the laser. And any laser powerful enough to remove coatings fast enough to be interesting, is also powerful enough to damage substrates, once the coating is gone. Human operators are much too slow to switch off the laser before it causes damage.

Lasertronics’ closed-loop control technology makes all the difference. It electronically shuts down the laser immediately when the coating disappears. This prevents laser energy from ever directly striking the substrate. This unique “closed loop control” prevents damage to even delicate substrates, such as painted surfaces, aircraft aluminum, and composites.

To demonstrate how our unique control technology opens new doors, Lasertronics offers two kinds of demonstrations to qualified prospective customers.

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On-Site Demo