Free Demo In Our Lab

To demonstrate how our unique control technology opens new doors, Lasertronics offers a free demonstration to qualified prospective customers.

• The customer ships to Lasertronics (in San Jose, CA) one or several small coupons containing the specific coating-on-substrate system of interest.
• We jointly draft a statement of work (SOW) outlining the coating(s) to be removed, and customer actions that will follow a successful demonstration.
• Customer team members are welcome to observe the demonstration in person, in our lab.
• Lasertronics returns stripped samples, along with video, photos, and a written summary of the work performed. Shipping is charged to customer’s account.
• Lasertronics does not charge for one iteration of this demonstration process, up to a maximum of four hours of lab time. More extensive lab work, or subsequent demos, if requested by the customer, are available for a fee.

To discuss scheduling a no-cost demo, please get in touch through our Contact Us form.